About Us


We are 2 sisters and a brother who live half a world apart – Sydney and London – and we travel to meet up. When we were children, our mother used to call us “cows” when she referred to us in the third person.  “That cow bought cabbage instead of spinach” or “that cow hasn’t done her piano practice” or “the cow got a bad geography grade”.  We still call each other “cow” in jest and it seemed appropriate to name our travelling blog just that.

These days we are accompanied by two fast-growing youngsters who’ve had growth spurts over the last year.  Together and separately, we’d like you to join us on our mini-adventures at home and abroad.  Enjoy the “post”-cards. We’ll sign them as per below. In order of age –

Spotted Cow is an urban Londoner. She’s responsible for most of the photography on the site.

Purple Cow is the Sydney-based architect of this blog. She organized us and designed it all. The youngsters belong to her.

Cowlick has Superman hair. He’s Sydney-based as well and hoping that one day he can rip off the Clark Kent suit.

Chocolate Milk Cow has a voracious appetite, especially after sport.  He’s been known to be handy in the kitchen.

Moo Cow is the cutest of the lot, and the most fashion savvy.  She could charm the fur off an Eskimo.

This might seem like an elaborate plot at anonymity, but in fact it is to protect the youngsters from the dazzling limelight when fame hits.

69 thoughts on “About Us

    1. Yes it’s a wonderful way to stay in touch as a far-flung family. We still do postcards with stamps on occasion because it’s a delight to get them in the mail.

  1. Mooooove over, this is too funny. Is there a peeking order on the list? I did post something about cows. Love cows anywhere I go.

    1. There isn’t a pecking order. But I’m the oldest, and I’m probably the sucker because the rest of the cows tell me what they’d like photographed and what they’d like me to write about.

  2. What a lovely way to stay close to your sibling! I’m in Korea, and mine are all the way over in Canada, so it’s definitely difficult to maintain a daily relationship in the same way as when we were living in the same city! 🙂

  3. I am SO SO sorry. I have lost at this game and now so have you!

    You commented on my post so you must now post the following message to continue the game (unless you have lost your sense of humor )…
    “I know nobody will see my status but sometimes, when I am bored, I go into the garden, I cover myself in earth and I pretend I am a carrot.”

    Ha ha. Your turn.

    1. Hi Allison, thank you for the very kind words and I’m glad that you enjoy our posts. However, we’re not into the award thing as it usually puts more of an obligation on our time than we can hope to fulfil at the moment. I did read your post about the peer-to-peer nature of the award, and I will take away from it that our blog has a versatile nature. Have a good one !

  4. Hi there,
    I was invited by Joanne from “Mum how much Longer” to be a part of the Virtual Blog Tour to which I have agreed. My post will be this coming Monday, August 4th. By taking part, I have also been asked to invite one or more people whose blog I enjoy and would like to introduce to my readers/followers. The Virtual Blog tour is about sharing with readers what inspires you to write and what is your creative process. So not only did I think of blogs that I would like to share with my readers, but also thought of bloggers that I’m intrigued to learn about their creative processes and inspirations myself.

    There are four questions to answer and you can include photos if you like. Should you accept, your post would be for Monday, August 11th. I hope you’ll say yes because I love your blog and wish to share it with one or two others! If you accept, I’ll give you more details – many, thanks, Andrea x

    1. Ooh thank you for the lovely compliment. I read Joanne’s blog too, although I’m abit behind from being on holiday. I would be delighted to have a go at the questions. Let me know what I have to do. X

      1. That’s great that you will take part – Yay!! 🙂 Ok so here are the details for the Virtual Blog Tour. It is a relatively new project for bloggers which does have “specifics” which are fairly simple:
        Compose a one-time post which is posted on Monday August 11th. You will then set a Monday date to whoever you pass on the tour to.
        The four questions:
        What am I working on?
        How does my work differ from others of its genre?
        Why do I write/create what I do?
        How does your writing/creating process work?
        Answer these four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you and others to do what we do.
        Then pass the tour onto another blogger, with a maximum of up to four other bloggers if you so choose. Get their permission first and give them rules and specific Monday they are to post.
        Looking forward to your post August 11th – thank you again!
        Andrea x

  5. Heheeh – what a brilliant introduction! It’s lovely to see siblings who are so close 🙂 We are like that with our families too. We have travelled a few times now with Le’s family and certainly understand how entertaining it can be!!
    Look forward to your adventures.
    Le and David

  6. Thank you so much for following my blog – love your story of how the “wandering cows” came to be – classic – am so looking forward to reading more of your adventures 🙂

  7. I admire the wit of those who posted comments with such wonderful puns. Alas, there’s no way I can hope to compare. So I’ll just say I’m grateful you liked me recent Street Life post as it led me back to your fun and engaging blog. You definitely have a new fan and follower!

    1. Thank you for dropping by. I liked your policemen picture especially, in the Street Life series. Ahhh, when I wrote the About Us, I didn’t quite expect the number of clever puns that would come our way!

      1. That was my favorite too, especially since I inadvertently captured the Bobby in the background with a rifle looking my way. Yikes!

  8. The happy moos can be heard from here in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Thank you for “Liking” the post “Angel In The Sand” on my photography blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com.

    Our thank you gift to you comes from Russia this morning. Hope you enjoy: “Her Prince” http://throughharoldslens.com/2013/07/10/her-prince-european-tour/

    On behalf of the Through Harold’s Lens Creative Team, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we truly appreciate your enjoyment. We hope you continue to join us on our journeys.  

    Best Regards,

  9. Thank you for “Liking” the post “Little Guys & I”. Streets Of Our World. on my photography blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com.

    On behalf of the Through Harold’s Lens Creative Team, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we truly appreciate your enjoyment. We hope you continue to join us on our journeys.  

    Best Regards,

  10. Thank you for “Liking” the post “Where Spirits Flow”. Musicians Of Our World. on my photography blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com.
    On behalf of the Through Harold’s Lens Creative Team, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we truly appreciate your enjoyment. We hope you continue to join us on our journeys.  

    Best Regards,

  11. Hello Cow Family,
    I’m so glad you saw my Sunday Stills post on bridges and liked it, otherwise I might not have ever found your blog! I got great enjoyment reading your about page, I’m still smiling! I’m looking forward to delving in a bit more into your adventures!! Great to “meet” you all, I’m udderly thrilled! 🙂 (sorry, couldn’t resist!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely and unaffected response. I’m happy that we’ve given you some pleasure in sharing our trips. I’ve just this moment thought that these “like” buttons are like your bridges … they link people and places. Good pun, by the way!

  12. We thank you and your entire cattle farm for discovering my photography blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com. You gave me the opportunity to discover, explore and follow your blog. Hope we both enjoy our journeys. On behalf of the Through Harold’s Lens Creative Team, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we wish you the best. Harold

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